Words cut deeper than a knife…


The sharpest knife is no match to how words can mutilate a soul.   I’ve lived my entire life with a family of silver tongues. I’m also guilty for not breaking the cycle that continues to bind my family’s fiber.   Words like lethal weapons fire out without a thought. The pain cuts deep but we no longer flinch.   We use our own words to cripple the recipient with our frustration and anger. The cycle continues. The sharp tongues of my family grow more lethal as time passes on.

I recognize it. I hate it. I can’t seem change the culture. I’ve tried to talk about it, but we don’t talk we sweep things under the carpet. We are not only silver-tongued wizards, but also master sweepers. One generation teaches the next to be more astute in our skills. Our mastery has exceeded its limits. How do I stop the madness?